A few years ago, I was just a regular golf pro helping people with their game.

But I felt like I could do more.

The problem was, I was scared.  I didn't feel like what I knew, what I studied, and what I had done, would really make a difference.

Then my mom died.

It was the kick in the butt I needed to do something I had never done before.  Be vulnerable.

So I wrote this...


Laughing and Crying


In 2 days, over 2500 people read that story.

All I wanted to do was share.  I didn't realize that this sharing could become so powerful.

So I started writing more.

I wrote this...

Eventually I wrote a book...   book cover

 The Happiest Golfer


There’s just one thing stopping us from becoming truly happy.  From accomplishing what we want.  From being who we want to be.

Our own mind.

But here’s the reality…

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